How to subclass TensorNetwork to build Custom Models#

In order to mimic the PyTorch convention, a model in TensorKrowch is always a subclass of TensorNetwork, which is itself a subclass of torch.nn.Module. Therefore, to create models properly and be able to combine them easily with other PyTorch layers (like torch.nn.Linear) one should learn what is the convention for creating subclasses of TensorNetwork.


In all the previous tutorials you have learned about the pieces of a TensorNetwork such as Nodes and Edges. You should have already built your first trainable TensorNetwork, even using nodes with different roles (leaf, data, virtual). Not only have you created a TensorNetwork, but contracted it using Operations.

In this tutorial we will put everything together to build your first custom TensorNetwork model. You will also learn how to pass data through your model, trace it, and reset it.


  1. The Components of a TensorNetwork Subclass.

  2. Putting Everything Together.

  3. First Steps with our Custom Model.

1. The Components of a TensorNetwork Subclass#

Recall that the common way of defining models out of torch.nn.Module is by defining a subclass where the __init__ and forward methods are overriden:

  • __init__: Defines the model itself (its layers, attributes, etc.).

  • forward: Defines the way the model operates, that is, how the different

    parts of the model might combine to get an output from a particular input.

With TensorNetwork, the workflow is similar, though there are other methods that should be overriden:

  • __init__: Defines the graph of the tensor network and initializes the tensors of the nodes.

  • set_data_nodes (optional): Creates the data nodes where the data tensor(s) will be placed. Usually, it will just select the edges to which the data nodes should be connected, and call the parent method.

  • add_data (optional): Adds new data tensors that will be stored in data nodes. Usually it will not be necessary to override this method, but if one wants to customize how data is set into the data nodes, add_data() can be overriden.

  • contract: Defines the contraction algorithm of the whole tensor network, thus returning a single node. Very much like forward this is the main method that describes how the components of the network are combined. Hence, in TensorNetwork the forward method shall not be overriden, since it will just call set_data_nodes, if needed, add_data and contract, and then it will return the tensor corresponding to the last resultant node. Hence, the order in which Operations are called from contract is important. The last operation must be the one returning the final node.

2. Putting Everything Together#

Let’s create a class for Matrix Product States that we will use to classify images:

import torch
import tensorkrowch as tk

class MPS(tk.TensorNetwork):

    def __init__(self, image_size, uniform=False):
        In the __init__ method we define the tensor network
        structure and initialize all the nodes

        # Create TN #
        input_nodes = []

        # Number of input nodes equal to number of pixels
        for _ in range(image_size[0] * image_size[1]):
            node = tk.ParamNode(shape=(10, 3, 10),
                                axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

        for i in range(len(input_nodes) - 1):
            input_nodes[i]['right'] ^ input_nodes[i + 1]['left']

        # Output node is in the last position,
        # but that could be changed
        output_node = tk.ParamNode(shape=(10, 10, 10),
                                       'left', 'output', 'right'),
        output_node['right'] ^ input_nodes[0]['left']
        output_node['left'] ^ input_nodes[-1]['right']

        self.input_nodes = input_nodes
        self.output_node = output_node

        # If desired, the MPS can be uniform
        if uniform:
            uniform_memory = tk.ParamNode(shape=(10, 3, 10),
                                              'left', 'input', 'right'),
            self.uniform_memory = uniform_memory

        # Initialize Nodes #

        # Input nodes
        if uniform:
            std = 1e-9
            tensor = torch.randn(uniform_memory.shape) * std
            random_eye = torch.randn(
                tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[2]) * std
            random_eye = random_eye + \
                torch.eye(tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[2])
            tensor[:, 0, :] = random_eye

            uniform_memory.tensor = tensor

            # Memory of each node is just a reference
            # to the uniform_memory tensor
            for node in input_nodes:

            std = 1e-9
            for node in input_nodes:
                tensor = torch.randn(node.shape) * std
                random_eye = torch.randn(
                    tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[2]) * std
                random_eye = random_eye + \
                    torch.eye(tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[2])
                tensor[:, 0, :] = random_eye

                node.tensor = tensor

        # Output node
        eye_tensor = torch.eye(output_node.shape[0], output_node.shape[2])\
            .view([output_node.shape[0], 1, output_node.shape[2]])
        eye_tensor = eye_tensor.expand(output_node.shape)
        tensor = eye_tensor + std * torch.randn(output_node.shape)

        output_node.tensor = tensor

        self.input_nodes = input_nodes
        self.output_node = output_node

    def set_data_nodes(self) -> None:
        This method is optional. If overriden, it should not have
        arguments other than self. Furthermore, we won't have to
        call it explicitly, since it will be called from forward.

        If not overriden, it should be explicitly called before
        # Select input edges where to put data nodes
        input_edges = []
        for node in self.input_nodes:

        # num_batch_edges inicates number of batch edges. Usually
        # it will be 1, for the batch of input data. But for
        # convolutional or sequential models it could be 2,
        # one edge for the batch of input data, and one for the
        # patches of sequence

    def contract(self):
        In this method we define the contraction algorithm
        for the tensor network.

        The last operation computed must be the one returning
        the final node.
        stack_input = tk.stack(self.input_nodes)
        stack_data = tk.stack(list(self.data_nodes.values()))

        stack_input ^ stack_data
        stack_result = stack_input @ stack_data

        stack_result = tk.unbind(stack_result)

        result = stack_result[0]
        for node in stack_result[1:]:
            result @= node
        result @= self.output_node

        return result

3. First Steps with our Custom Model#

Now we can instantiate our model:

image_size = (10, 10)
mps = MPS(image_size=image_size)

Since our model is a subclass of torch.nn.Module, we can take advantage of its methods. For instance, we can easily send the model to the GPU:

device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
mps =

Note that only the ParamNodes are parameters of the model. Thus if your model has other non-parametric Nodes, these won’t be sento to the GPU. Instead, you should fill them with tensors that are already in the GPU.

Let’s get some images to use as our data:

images = torch.randn(500, image_size[0], image_size[1])

Images are tensors with shape batch x height x width. That is, for each pixel, for each image in the batch we have just one value. Yet the nodes in our tensor network are all tensors (vectors, matrices, etc.), so we need to embed our pixel values into a greater vector space. That is, for each pixel, for each image in the batch, we should have a vector (of dimension 3 in this case, the size of input edges of the nodes in our MPS class).

images = tk.embeddings.poly(images, axis=1)
images =

The input data for TensorNetwork subclasses, when add_data() has not been overriden, should have shape batch_1 x ... x batch_n x n_features x feature_dim:

images = images.view(
    500, 3, image_size[0] * image_size[1]).transpose(1, 2)

Before starting training, there are 2 important steps you have to do manually. First, set the memory management modes as you wish. Usually, for training it will be faster to set auto_stack to True and auto_unbind to False. For inference, it will be faster to set both nodes to True.

mps.auto_stack = True
mps.auto_unbind = False

Secondly, you should trace() the TensorNetwork. To trace the network you need to pass an example input data through your model in order to perform all the heavy computations (compute all Operations for the first time, create all the intermediate resultant nodes, etc..). The example can be simply a tensor of zeros with the appropiate shape. In fact, the batch size can be set to 1:

example = torch.zeros(1, image_size[0] * image_size[1], 3)
example =

Finally everything is ready to train our model:

# Training loop
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
    result = mps(images)

When the training has finished, and you want to save the model, you will need to reset() it. Note that when the model was traced, a bunch of resultant nodes were added to the network. If now you instantiate MPS again, all those nodes won’t be in the new instance. The networks will have different nodes. Therefore, you need to reset the network to its initial state, how it was before tracing:


With this, you can save your model and load it later:

# Save, '')

# Load
new_mps = MPS(image_size)

Of course, although you can create any tensor network you like, TensorKrowch already comes with a handful of widely-known models that you can use:

There are also uniform and convolutional variants of the four models mentioned above.