How to save Memory and Time with TensorKrowch (ADVANCED)#

Since TensorKrowch is devoted to construct tensor network models, many of the operations one can compute between nodes have to keep track of information of the underlying graph. However, this could be very costly if we had to compute all these ancillary steps every time during training. That is why TensorKrowch uses different tricks like managing memory and skipping operations automatically in order to save some memory and time.


In this tutorial you will learn how memory is stored in the tensor network and what are the tricks TensorKrowch uses to take advantage of that.

Also, you will learn how some steps are skipped in Operations in order to save time. Learn more about how to use operations in the previous tutorial.


  1. How Tensors are stored in the TensorNetwork.

  2. How TensorKrowch skipps Operations to run faster.

  3. Memory Management modes.

1. How Tensors are stored in the TensorNetwork#

As explained in the first tutorial, although nodes act as a sort of containers for torch.Tensor’s, this is not what happens under the hood.

Actually, each TensorNetwork has a unique memory where all tensors are stored. This memory can be accessed by all nodes to retrieve their respective tensors. Hence, all that nodes contain is just a memory address together with some other information that helps to access the correct tensor.

When a node is instantiated a memory address is created with the name of the node. That is where its tensor will be stored. Even if the node is empty, that place is reserved in case we set a tensor in the empty node.

We can check the memory address of our nodes via:

import torch
import tensorkrowch as tk

node1 = tk.Node(shape=(2, 5, 2),

For now, there is no tensor stored in that memory address:


But we can set a new tensor into the node:

new_tensor = torch.randn(2, 5, 2)
node1.tensor = new_tensor  # Same as node1.set_tensor(new_tensor)

Now node is not empty, there is a tensor stored in its corresponding memory address:


Since nodes only contain memory addresses, we can create a second node that instead of storing its own memory address, it uses the memory of the first node:

node2 = tk.Node(shape=(2, 5, 2),

assert node2.tensor_address() == 'my_node'

Of course, to share memory, both nodes need to be in the same network and have the same shape.

Now, if we change the tensor in node1, node2 will reproduce the same change:

node1.tensor = torch.zeros_like(node1.tensor)

Furthermore, we can have even more nodes sharing the same memory:

node3 = tk.Node(shape=(2, 5, 2),

assert node3.tensor_address() == 'my_node'

This feature of TensorKrowch can be very useful to create uniform or translationally invariant tensor networks by simply using a node whose memory is shared by all the nodes in the network. Let’s create a Uniform Matrix Product State:

mps = tk.TensorNetwork(name='mps')
nodes = []

uniform_node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                        axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

for i in range(100):
    node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                    axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),


for i in range(100):
    mps[f'node_({i})']['right'] ^ mps[f'node_({(i + 1) % 100})']['left']

# Check that all nodes share tensor with uniform_node
for node in nodes:
    assert node.tensor_address() == 'uniform'

2. How TensorKrowch skips Operations to run faster#

The main purpose of TensorKrowch is enabling you to experiment creating and training different tensor networks, only having to worry about instantiating nodes, making connections and performing contractions.

Because of that, there is much going on under the hood. For instance, say you want to contract these two nodes:

node1 = tk.randn(shape=(3, 7, 5))
node2 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 7))
node1[1] ^ node2[2]
node1[2] ^ node2[1]

result = node1 @ node2

TensorKrowch returns directly the resultant node with its edges in the correct order. To perform that contraction in vanilla PyTorch, you would have to permute and reshape both nodes to compute a matrix multiplication, and then reshape and permute again the result. And for every different node you would have to think how to do the permutes and reshapes to leave the resultant edges in the desired order.

TensorKrowch does all of that for you, but it is costly. To avoid having such overhead compared to just performing a matrix multiplication, TensorKrowch calculates how the permutes and reshapes should be performed only during the first time a contraction occurs. Then all the ancillary information needed to perform the contraction is saved in a sort of cache memory. In subsequent contractions, TensorKrowch will behave almost like vanilla PyTorch.

3. Memory Management modes#

Now that you know how TensorKrowch manages memory and skips some steps when operating with nodes repeatedly, you can learn about two important modes that can be turned on/off for training or inference.

  • auto_stack (False by default): This mode indicates whether the operation stack() can take control of the memory management of the network to skip some steps in future computations. If auto_stack is set to True and a collection of ParamNodes are stacked (as the first operation in which these nodes are involved), then those nodes will no longer store their own tensors, but rather a virtual ParamStackNode will store the stacked tensor, avoiding the computation of that first stack() in every contraction. This behaviour is not possible if auto_stack is set to False, in which case all nodes will always store their own tensors.

    Setting auto_stack to True will be faster for both inference and training. However, while experimenting with TensorNetworks one might want that all nodes store their own tensors to avoid problems.

    net = tk.TensorNetwork()
    net.auto_stack = True
    nodes = []
    for i in range(100):
        node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
    # First operation is computed
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
    # All ParamNodes use a slice of the tensor in stack_node
    for node in nodes:
        assert node.tensor_address() ==
    # Second operation does nothing
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
  • auto_unbind (False by default): This mode indicates whether the operation unbind() has to actually unbind the stacked tensor or just generate a collection of references. That is, if auto_unbind is set to False, unbind() creates a collection of nodes, each of them storing the corresponding slice of the stacked tensor. If auto_unbind is set to True, unbind() just creates the nodes and gives each of them an index to reference the stacked tensor, so that each node’s tensor would be retrieved by indexing the stack. This avoids performing the operation, since these indices will be the same in subsequent iterations.

    Setting auto_unbind to True will be faster for inference, but slower for training.

    net = tk.TensorNetwork()
    net.auto_unbind = True
    nodes = []
    for i in range(100):
        node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
    # First operation is computed
    unbinded_nodes = tk.unbind(stack_node)
    # All unbinded nodes use a slice of the tensor in stack_node
    for node in unbinded_nodes:
        assert node.tensor_address() ==
    # Second operation does nothing
    unbinded_nodes = tk.unbind(stack_node)

Once the training algorithm starts, these modes should not be changed (very often at least), since changing them entails first resetting the whole network, which is a costly method.

To learn more about what virtual and other types of nodes are, check the next tutorial.