Creating a Tensor Network in TensorKrowch#

Tensor networks are structures used in quantum many-body physics to make simulations or understand properties of some states. At its core, a tensor network is just a graph where each node is a tensor (a multi-dimensional array), and each edge represents one of the axes of the tensor. Therefore, two nodes can be connected if the dimensions of the corresponding edges coincide. This connection represents a contraction (similar to a matrix multiplication) between the nodes at the selected axes. Check this site to learn more about tensor networks and the tensor diagram notation.


TensorKrowch enables you to build any tensor network and train it via gradient descent methods that leverage the automatic differentiation engine provided by PyTorch.

In this tutorial you will learn how to combine the basic components of TensorKrowch to create a TensorNetwork.


Before we begin, we need to install tensorkrowch if it isn’t already available.

$ pip install tensorkrowch


  1. Components of a tensor network.

  2. How to create Nodes.

  3. How to build the TensorNetwork.

  4. Different types of Nodes.

1. Components of a Tensor Network#

In TensorKrowch there are 3 main objects you should be familiarized with:

  1. Nodes:

    These are the elements that make up a TensorNetwork. At its most basic level, a node is a container for a torch.Tensor that stores other relevant information which enables to build any network and operate nodes to contract it (and train it!). Some of the information that is carried by the nodes includes:

    1. Shape: Every node needs a shape to know if connections with other nodes are possible. Even if the tensor is not specified, an empty node needs a shape.

    2. Tensor: The key ingredient of the node. Although the node acts as a container for the tensor, the node does not contain it. Actually, for efficiency purposes, the tensors are stored in a sort of memory that is shared by all the nodes of the TensorNetwork. Therefore, all that nodes contain is a memory address.

    3. Edges: A list of Edges, one for each dimension of the node.

    4. Network: The TensorNetwork to which the node belongs. If the network is not specified when creating the node, a new TensorNetwork is created to contain the node.

  2. Edges:

    An edge is nothing more than an object that wraps references to the nodes it connects. Thus it stores information like the nodes it connects, the corresponding nodes’ Axes it is attached to, whether it is dangling or batch, its size, etc.

    Above all, its importance lies in that edges enable to connect nodes, forming any possible graph, and to perform easily Operations like contracting and splitting nodes.

  3. TensorNetwork:

    TensorNetwork is the central object of TensorKrowch. It is a subclass of torch.nn.Module. Thus, TensorNetworks are the trainable objects of TensorKrowch.

    When building a tensor network, all your Nodes should belong to the same TensorNetwork model. You can also indicate which nodes are trainable and which ones are fixed.

2. How to create Nodes#

First of all, let’s import the necessary libraries:

import torch
import tensorkrowch as tk

To create a node you must provide a shape. As explained before, all nodes must have a shape, even if the node does not already have a tensor. Thus, creating an empty Node is as simple as:

node = tk.Node(shape=(2, 5, 2))

Creating empty nodes can be useful to experiment creating the graph structure. However, if we want to train a TensorNetwork, it would be better if the nodes are not empty. To fill them with a torch.Tensor, we can use different mehtods.

  1. We can initialize the node providing a tensor:

    tensor = torch.randn(2, 5, 2)
    node = tk.Node(tensor=tensor)

    When doing this, the node’s shape is directly inferred from the tensor’s shape.

  2. We can just provide a shape and specify a method to initialize the tensor:

    node = tk.Node(shape=(2, 5, 2),

    Actually, to make it even easier (and more similar to PyTorch), the above is equivalent to:

    node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2))

Now that our node has a tensor in it, we can extract it to use it in our code via:

node.shape   # Returns node's shape
node.tensor  # Returns node's tensor

For now, all we have done we could have done it directly with vanilla PyTorch. One feature that comes with TensorKrowch is naming the axes of a Node, which facilitates the way you can manipulate, connect and contract nodes simply by using names rather than having to control the index and order of your axes at all times.

You can name the axes when instantiating the node:

node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'))

Actually, each Axis of the Node is an object with an index and a name. You can access any of them and change its name or retrieve its index.

node.get_axis('left').name = 'other_left'  # Changes the axis' name
idx = node.get_axis_num('other_left')      # Returns index of 'other_left'
                                           # in the axes list

Also, naming axes can define a different behaviour for that Axis.

node.get_axis('other_left').name = 'batch'

If the word "batch" appears in some axis’ name, the corresponding edge will be used as a batch edge. We will explore that in the next section.

3. How to build the TensorNetwork#

To be able to build a network, you must be able to access the Edges of a Node in order to connect them to other Edges. Thanks to the naming of axes, you can do that very easily:


By using the name of each Axis, you can retrieve the corresponding Edge. What’s more, you can get some information from that Edge:

node['right'].is_dangling()  # Indicates if the edge is not connected
node['batch'].is_batch()     # Indicates if the edge is a batch edge

node['input'].size()         # Returns the shape of the node in that axis

Before we start creating the network, let’s explore a couple of new options we have when instatiating a Node. As explained earlier, all nodes must belong to a TensorNetwork. Hence, when a Node is created a new TensorNetwork is also created to contain it. However, one can also create a TensorNetwork beforehand and then instatiate a Node in that network.

Besides, we can give our Node a name, which we will use to access that Node from the TensorNetwork.

net = tk.TensorNetwork()

node1 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                 axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

assert net['node1'] is node1

We can create another Node in the same network:

node2 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                 axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

Now both nodes belong to the same TensorNetwork, yet they are not related. They are just two pieces of a TensorNetwork object. In order to create an actual graph, we can connect nodes with the operand ^:

node1['right'] ^ node2['left']

Note that if node1 and node2 would have been instantiated in different TensorNetworks, when connecting them, node2 would have been moved to the node1’s network. Therefore, all nodes in a connected component of the graph always belong to the same network.

You can also disconnect edges, although this is something you should only do when experimenting creating networks, but not when contracting the network:


This is equivalent to using the operand |:

node1['right'] | node2['left']

With this, you already have the basic tools to create any TensorNetwork. Let’s finish showing how you can build a Matrix Product State (MPS):

mps = tk.TensorNetwork(name='mps')

for i in range(100):
    _ = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                 axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

for i in range(100):
    mps[f'node_({i})']['right'] ^ mps[f'node_({(i + 1) % 100})']['left']