Contracting and Differentiating the Tensor Network#

In the previous tutorial you learned how to build a fixed tensor network. However, TensorKrowch is built on top of PyTorch in order to be able to train these models as easily as any other torch.nn.Module. Hence, the next step should be to learn about the components of TensorKrowch that make it possible to compute learnable functions.


In this tutorial you will learn about the two main classes of nodes in TensorKrowch and how to operate with them.


  1. Distinguish between Nodes and ParamNodes.

  2. Operations between nodes.

  3. Contracting a Matrix Product State.

1. Distinguish between Nodes and ParamNodes#

In TensorKrowch there are 2 main classes of nodes: the ones that are fixed (Nodes) and the ones you can train (ParamNodes). The main (and almost only difference) is that Nodes contain a torch.Tensor, while ParamNodes contain a torch.nn.Parameter, the tensors of PyTorch with respect to which gradients are computed.

ParamNodes are initalized in the same fashion as Nodes:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import tensorkrowch as tk

paramnode1 = tk.ParamNode(shape=(2, 5, 2))     # Empty paramnode
paramnode2 = tk.ParamNode(shape=(2, 5, 2),
paramnode3 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                      param_node=True)  # Indicates if node is ParamNode

Also, if we try to initialize a ParamNode with an existing torch.Tensor, this will be first transformed into a torch.nn.Parameter:

tensor = torch.randn(2, 5, 2)
paramnode = tk.ParamNode(tensor=tensor)

assert isinstance(paramnode.tensor, nn.Parameter)

Another important and useful feature of TensorKrowch is that you can parameterize Nodes or de-parameterize ParamNodes at any time:

node = paramnode.parameterize(False)
assert isinstance(node.tensor, torch.Tensor)
assert not isinstance(node.tensor, nn.Parameter)

paramnode = node.parameterize()
assert isinstance(paramnode.tensor, nn.Parameter)

Be aware that when parameterizing or de-parameterizing, the previous Node or ParamNode will be overriden in the network by the new ParamNode or Node, respectively.

Finally, to check that, effectively, these ParamNodes can be trained, let’s compute a simple function and differentiate:

sum = paramnode.sum()  # Sums over all axes of the node
sum.backward()         # Differentiates sum with respect to paramnode

Now with ParamNodes we can access directly the gradient of their tensors via:


Although this is insightful to learn the basics of ParamNodes, we want tools to work with tensor networks. In the next section you will learn about an important part of TensorKrowch: Operations.

2. Operations between Nodes#

In TensorKrowch there are some Operations you can compute between nodes. We can distinguish between two types of operations:

  1. Tensor-like: We refer to the operations one can compute using tensors in vanilla PyTorch like permute() (and the in-place variant permute_()), tprod() (tensor product), mul(), div(), add(), sub() and renormalize().

  2. Node-like: We refer to the operations one will need to contract a tensor network. These we will explain in more detail in this section.

For both types of operations, the result will always be a Node. That is, ParamNodes can only be used as the initial nodes that define a tensor network, and with respect to which we will differentiate. But all intermediate nodes that result from an operation will be non-parametric Nodes.

Regarding the node-like operations, these are:

  1. contract_between(): Contracts all connected edges between two nodes. The operand @ can be used to perform the contraction:

    node1 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 3),
                     axes_names=('left', 'right'))
    node2 = tk.randn(shape=(2, 3),
                     axes_names=('left', 'right'))
    node1['left'] ^ node2['left']
    node1['right'] ^ node2['right']
    result = node1 @ node2
    assert result.shape == ()

    There also variants of this operations. You can contract nodes in-place with contract_between_()), that is, modifying the initial network you defined. You can also contract only selected edges with contract_edges().

  2. split(): Splits a node in two via Singular Value or QR decompositions. The edges that go with each resultant node should be specified:

    node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 3, 4, 5),
                    axes_names=('left1', 'left2', 'right1', 'right2'))
    res1, res2 = node.split(['left1', 'right1'],
                            ['left2', 'right2'],
    assert res1.shape == (2, 4, 2)
    assert res2.shape == (2, 3, 5)

    As can be noted, there is also a new edge connecting the resultant nodes. Similar to contract_between, there is also an in-place variant split_().

  3. stack(): Stacks a list of nodes of the same type. That is, only nodes with the same number of edges, same axes names and belonging to the same network. The sizes of each edge, however, can be different for different nodes:

    net = tk.TensorNetwork()
    nodes = []
    for i in range(100):
        node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                        axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
    assert stack_node.shape == (100, 2, 5, 2)

    The resultant stack_node is actually a different class of node, a StackNode. These only result from stacking other nodes, and have as first edge a special batch edge called "stack". The rest of edges are of class StackEdge, a new type of edge that collect information from all the edges from the nodes that are being stacked. This information enables to automatically reconnect nodes to their previous neighbours when unbinding the stack.

    Be aware that stacks cannot recognize neighbours. That is, if we create two stacks of nodes that were all connected one-to-one, we have to reconnect the stacks:

    net = tk.TensorNetwork()
    nodes = []
    data_nodes = []
    for i in range(100):
        node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                        axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),
        data_node = tk.randn(shape=(100, 5),
                        axes_names=('batch', 'feature'),
        node['input'] ^ data_node['feature']
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
    stack_data_node = tk.stack(data_nodes)
    # reconnect stacks
    stack_node ^ stack_data_node
  4. unbind(): Unbinds a StackNode and returns a list of nodes that are already connected to the corresponding neighbours:

    net = tk.TensorNetwork()
    nodes = []
    for i in range(100):
        node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                        axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),
    stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
    unbinded_nodes = tk.unbind(stack_node)
    assert unbinded_nodes[0].shape == (2, 5, 2)
  5. einsum(): Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the nodes. It is based on opt_einsum:

    node1 = tk.randn(shape=(10, 15, 100),
                     axes_names=('left', 'right', 'batch'))
    node2 = tk.randn(shape=(15, 7, 100),
                     axes_names=('left', 'right', 'batch'))
    node3 = tk.randn(shape=(7, 10, 100),
                     axes_names=('left', 'right', 'batch'))
    node1['right'] ^ node2['left']
    node2['right'] ^ node3['left']
    node3['right'] ^ node1['left']
    result = tk.einsum('ijb,jkb,kib->b', node1, node2, node3)
    assert result.shape == (100,)

    There is another variant of einsum that accepts a sequence of lists of nodes and previously stacks each list of nodes in a StackNode and then evaluates a batched version of einsum. This operation is stacked_einsum().

Some of this operations can also be called from the nodes’ edges, like contract_() or svd_().

3. Contracting a Matrix Product State#

Now that you know how to construct a TensorNetwork with ParamNodes, and use Operations between them, let’s apply all of this to contract a Matrix Product State (MPS) with some input data, and compute gradients of the result with respect to the MPS nodes:

mps = tk.TensorNetwork(name='mps')
nodes = []
data_nodes = []

for i in range(100):
    node = tk.randn(shape=(2, 5, 2),
                    axes_names=('left', 'input', 'right'),

    data_node = tk.randn(shape=(5,),

    node['input'] ^ data_node['feature']

for i in range(100):
    mps[f'node_({i})']['right'] ^ mps[f'node_({(i + 1) % 100})']['left']

With this, we have already created our MPS where nodes can be trained. We have also added some data nodes that will hold our data (though in this example they will be filled with random tensors).

To contract all the data nodes with their respective neighbours we can use stack to perform a single big contraction, instead of a hundread of small contractions, which will save us some time:

stack_node = tk.stack(nodes)
stack_data_node = tk.stack(data_nodes)

stack_node ^ stack_data_node

stack_result = stack_node @ stack_data_node
unbind_result = tk.unbind(stack_result)

Now we have a list with a bunch of matrices that are all connected to the previous and next ones, forming a ring. Let’s contract all of them with simple contractions:

result = unbind_result[0]
for node in unbind_result[1:]:
    result @= node

assert result.shape == ()

Since we have contracted the whole network, and no edge is still dangling, the result is a single number. We can then compute gradients:


for node in nodes:
    assert node.grad is not None

Here we have our desired gradient! Now you can use it to learn a function using gradient descent methods.